Hairy Horse
Name and sound of letter "h"
Spatial Skills - over - under - right
Color Skills
Phonemic Awareness

h-small.jpg (4987 bytes)

Teacher Directions
Read the instructions below
to guide children toward
coloring the correct letter "h".
Use a colored pencil or crayon.

1. Color the "h" over her tail - green

2. Color the "h" over her hair - yellow

3. Color the "h" under her mouth - red

4. Color the "h" under her tail - blue

5. Color the "h" to the right of her nose brown

6. Color the "h" to the right of her legs - orange

Do you hear the sound of letter h - "huh" - at beginning of each picture below - circle "yes" or "no"

yes      no

yes     no yes      no yes    no yes    no