Your program is truly the
best I've come across in over 30 years of teaching. It took me about
a half a year to convince my colleague but she is a die hard believer now!
At conferences and workshops I am always telling my fellow teachers
-- you've just 'gotta' try this.
Marie Barnett - Earle Brown
Brooklyn Center, Minnesota
My oldest son placed 1st in his
school district 2004 Literary Rally. I attribute this success to the
strong vocabulary foundation that was laid using this powerful but simple
program. If you have children that do not know their grade level
vocabulary words I strongly recommend the Tamparead's
(ReadingKEY) program. It can turn D students into A students. I know, I did
Mrs. Richie Collins - Home School Mom
La Place, Louisiana
(phone number available upon request)
There is no other program that
even comes close.
I will always be a fan of Tampareads (ReadingKEY).
Beverly Demeritte - Grade 1 Teacher
Rhawnhurst Elementary - Philadelphia, PA
After using your program
for only 6 weeks, I have seen an incredible increase in my students'
reading abilities.
Kelly Turley - Teacher
Seaview Elementary - San Pablo, CA
This system has made the
difference between successful home schooling and having to surrender her
to the system. Now she is recognizing words faster, reading longer,
and enjoying it!
Clayton Scott
Alhabro, California
November 18, 2009
I have been searching for
something to help my son who has dyslexia. Since trying your
program, I have seen an amazing improvement in his reading.
Ginger Stidd - Home School Mom
Our Title-One elementary
school did not pass AYP in 2006. In 2007 we barely passed. At the
beginning of the school year of 2007-2008 the whole school began using the
TampaRead's (ReadingKEY) Program. The growth was amazing! This year
North Park Elementary performed extremely well on the end-of-year
testing!! I credit a huge amount of this success to your program! Thank
you for creating a program that is easy to implement and is structured in
such a way for all students, regardless of socio-economic background,
cultural background, learning style or learning abilities, to succeed!
Mrs. Kari Scheller, M.Ed
North Park Elementary
The reading program you
provide is far superior to any public school my son has attended. I
began the program last year, and his reading has improved 200%. In 2
months he was reading many different "I can read books" while his former
classmates were still studying basic letter recognition. I would and do
recommend this program to any parent interested. Robin
Yuma, Arizona
We wanted to express our
appreciation to you for developing your ReadingKey program. Our
elementary school implemented your program 3 years ago and have seen
significant growth in our state mandated test scores in all curriculum
Robert Rominex - Principal
Houchin Elementary School
Moore, Oklahoma
NOTE: One year after Houchin Elementary purchased a Site License for
their school, their school district (Moore Public Schools) purchased a
ReadingKey county-wide site license for all 20 of their elementary schools.
I'm just sooo thrilled with Tampareads
(ReadingKEY) since my son started school. His teacher was so amazed
with his reading that she wanted to skip him to the first grade... Hooked
on Phonics was my first approach and I had no success whatsoever.
Once again, a billion thanks.
Debbie Hunter - Parent
Sacramento, California
I must say that
I think this is the best site I've seen on reading--and I've seen many.
You've developed a no nonsense approach that makes a lot of sense.
I'm just sorry that I didn't see it sooner.
Ralph Sassano - Grade 3 Teacher
Lakeview Elementary School - Mahopac, NY
This program is wonderful. I have only used it for one week and my students love it.
Jane Armstrong - Central Catholic School
St. Louis, MO
UNBELIEVABLE! - - I happened
upon your site as a fluke and the results are phenomenal. Your
program has helped my little boy so much! With your program and some
supplementary materials, he is now making unbelievable reading
Thank you -
Maggie Shaw
Canton, Georgia
Thank you for developing
this AWESOME program.
I am an EC teacher who is working with two students who are (were)
non-readers. We are on Lesson 6 and my students are so excited about
learning to read. I was amazed at how much they can recall - in
fact, they remember all words. I just had to brag! We have
readers now!
Jenifer Lowry - EC Teacher -
Union Elementary - Shallotte, North Carolina
I love this program !!!!!
I have looked all year for some that benefit my students and yours is the
Sarah Bush - Special Ed. Resource Teacher
Church Hill Middle School
Church Hill, Tennessee
Best $50 I've spent in my
life !
Miz B's Tutorial Services
Beaumont, Texas
I thank you every day for
this program. I teach first grade and I have seen more progress this year,
especially with the kids who struggle to learn how to read. It's a great
program, I recommend it highly!
Carol Wise
Navato, California
I am just sooo thrilled with TampaReads
(ReadingKEY). My son started school (entered Kindergarten after
homeschooling with Tampareads) and his teacher was so amazed with his
reading that she wanted to skip him to the first grade... Hooked on
Phonics was my first approach and I had no success whatsoever.
Thank God for Tampareads and may God bless you and your family for
giving such a relief to me and my family !!!!
Once again a billion thanks.
Debbie Hunter
Sacramento, California
This program has been
wonderful for my son. He has advanced leaps and bounds since
beginning your program. He and I both are very pleased.
Heather Decker - Home School Mom
Las Vegas, Nevada
I love your product!
My 6 year old daughter is such an awesome reader because of the "stop at
the vowel" teaching method. She easily reads 3rd grade level words, and is
able to think through even more difficult. She beams and says, "Look, I
just stopped at the vowel." You have helped her fall in love with
Alisha Bartlett - Home School Parent
Minot, North Dakota
results have been nothing short of astounding. For more than three
years now, I have taught both Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and
mainstream students using the TampaRead's (ReadingKey) program. Tracking the progress of
both student groups reveals that the LEP students achieve literacy and
exit the program at a faster rate and that the native speakers achieve
on-level reading status more quickly. It is high interest in nature and
produces clearly measurable results.
Guy DeZarn
Patrick Henry Elementary School
Alexandria, Virginia
I ordered the (TampaRead's
ReadingKey) program in 2000. I have used it every year since I have
bought it, and the children love it. In Texas we give the TPRI, a
test to check phonics skill, reading skills, and fluency. My
students always progress by leaps and bounds. I attribute the
progress to using TampaReads. Thank you so MUCH!
Caroline Gillis - First Grade Teacher
Henrietta Elementary School
Henrietta, Texas
I love this program. My
children are already excited about using it. I home school 1st, 3rd and
6th grade children and haven't seen a better program out there.
Cheryl Gaudreau
Merrimack, New Hampshire
Thank you.... it's really done wonders for a little boy that I work with.
Actually, you might like to know that by improving his reading so
drastically through your program, the school has been forced to revisit
his IEP and he's now off ritalin and out from under an ADD diagnosis and
they're looking further for answers. So...from his tutor and, I'm sure
from his very confused parents....thanks.
Vicki Pelton - Teacher - Ottawa, IL
There is so much here to help my students. The personal service I received
was very prompt and very helpful!
Maria Camilo - Kindergarten Teacher
Walter M. Thompson Elementary -
Jacksonville, North Carolina
Thank you for your time and effort in putting together the best package I
have seen to teach children how to read and read fast, fast, fast! They
look forward to reading and will often read the word walls in their free
time. I used the program last year with one of my sons and the Stop At The
Vowel Sound Method really does work.
Fatimah Mahammad - Home School Mom Stockton - California
I just joined your
website.....WOW! What a lifesaver this is! -
Mother of a 6 year old ADHD son.
Sylvia Erickson - Aurora, IL
I used it (Hooked on Phonics) for 2 days, and put it back in the box, and
went back to the ReadingKey Program. With your program the children are
not limited to word families, and I also found, that with the Hooked on
Phonics, when the children read the word from the middle, sometimes they
would forget the first letter all together. So a word like 'him' would
become 'im' because they would focus on trying to find the word family the
word belonged to and skip the first letter. AND ON TOP OF THAT, there was
no writing practice, worksheets, etc. with the Hooked on Phonics. All of
which come with your package.
Fatimah Mahammad - Home School Mom - Stockton, California
I can't say enough good about your program and have passed your site along
to many, including a 1st grade teacher that now uses it in her class.
Thank you so much.
Linda Edwards - Vancouver, WA
My class is reading much better than
this time last year. They especially like the timed reading of the word
lists. The other first grade teachers are now wanting to use your website.
This is the first time I have ordered anything on the internet and have
been well pleased with how everything has been handled. Once again, thank
you for all your research on reading. Yesterday one of my non-readers
(there are two) sounded out a word by himself for the first time and today
read an entire sentence. I am using the sound out to the vowel method.
Patti Williams -
Grade 1 Teacher
Oakland Elementary, Tennessee
I have a private preschool of 14 - 4 year olds and they have done AMAZING
at your Kindergarten program. I just ordered 1st grade because some of
them are ready to move on. - Thanks.
Heather Frias
Jesus Loves Me Daycare & Preschool
Lompoc, CA
My students are so motivated to learn the new words. Last week my students
were getting ready to go to another class. They were so excited about
reading the words and competing against each other (on how fast they could
say the words). The students were wanting to stay in to read the words
another time, needless to say we were a little late for their next class.
I had several students requesting to come in after school to practice
reading the words. I appreciate your commitment in helping our children
become a nation of successful readers.
Pat Bentz - Stillwell, Oklahoma
The word lists are
wonderful; the words correspond with those she is reading in texts and
books, thus reinforcing her learning... Your daily word lists with the
unscrambling and sentence writing have helped her develop good habits for
studying and decoding words... Bravo !
Nan Dolphin Masters - Home School Parent
San Antonio, Texas
I can't tell you how much the program has helped my kids! I've taught for
about 26 years now and I can't remember a program I've seen that was as
helpful. I've told all the teachers in my school about it. Thank you !
Cathy Purser - 4th Grade Teacher
Bleckley County Elementary -
Cochran, Georgia
This is my second year to use your (ReadingKey) files. My fourth grader
was a year behind because of a misdiagnoses of ADD, it took a year
but he was finally diagnosed with OCD. I home school him so was able to
really focus on reading and phonics. I used all of your material for my
second and third grader last year along with their other curriculum. Well,
it worked my OCD child is reading at a 7.6 level while only 9 years old.
He is very competitive so the timing of the word wall highly motivated
him. I found him challenging himself farther than I ever dreamed for him.
I thank-you for caring so much that children learn to read well -
Kelly McGoogan - Rogers, Arkansas
I have tried both Sylvan
Learning Center and the (TampaRead's) Program and this program has been
much more successful.
Candra Crouse - Indianapolis, Indiana
I am so impressed with your program that I would like to order the CD as
I have been asked by a parent to help her son with his spelling. He is
eight years old, and has dyslexia. I have started him on your grade one
program. Not only does he enjoy it very much, but he loves to see his
progress on the wall chart. Thank you very much for a
great program that enables me to help these children -
Hanna Letters - Music teacher -
Whangarei, New Zealand
I love your material. It's awesome! -
Laurie Wilson - Reading Tutor
St. Paul School - Westerville, Ohio
I must say that TampaRead's (ReadingKey) has Hooked on Phonics beat... I
used Hooked on Phonics (with my 9 year old son) and it was not only
costly, but it didn't capture my son's attention. My 4 year old (now using
the TampaRead's program) knows has ABC's and is able to tell me the
sounds... He loves the phonemic awareness worksheets. I am soooo pleased
with this program..
Debbie - Sacramento, California.
Your system is very effective. My session with the kids is only once a
week for a duration of 1 hour. I have applied your system for only 3
sessions and I'm seeing results already.
Benny Lee - Kitakyushu - Japan
I am thoroughly enjoying using your material in my classroom this year. A
second grade teacher had to cover my class recently and was amazed that my
students did such a good job with their vowel sounds. She felt they were
more advanced than her second graders. -
Marilyn Bandell - Turtle Creek - Pennsylvania.
We are a home schooling family of nine children, the last three of which
have been using the program for the last two months... After just this
short time, I see what to me is an amazing difference. Not only that, but
they are enjoying it tremendously. Of course, this means more trips to the
library, but I'm not complaining about that.
Cynthia Hon - Marion,
I have ordered your program and it is wonderful... Most programs focus
just on phonics or just on sight words, your program has combined both.
Cindy Burleson - Parent - 1st Grader - Gillette, Wyoming.
My daughter is in the third grade. She was struggling with reading and
teachers were offering tutoring to her that was not making a difference...
We have noticed a tremendous change in her spelling and reading (since
beginning the TampaRead's ReadingKey Program).
Again, I really cannot thank you enough.
Janette Houston - Plano, Texas
Thank you. I have finally found something that works for my son.
Bonita Crumley - Sandy, Oregon
I must say that, as a teacher, I am pleased with the materials you have
put together. The quality of my students' work has improved considerably
in sentence structure, spelling, reading and general content. This is a
most useful and helpful program which enables a feeling of accomplishment
in the children, as students and me, as a teacher. - Savalia Maxwell -
Teacher - Grades 1 & 2
Lac La Hache
Elementary School - British Columbia - Canada
Since using TampaReads (ReadingKey) I've had an enormous amount of
positive feedback from teachers who are seeing a difference in their
students. They report that the kids are beginning to sound out unfamiliar
words successfully for the first time, are enthusiastic about reading, and
are ready to come to the resource room. It's so encouraging! -
Brenda Farris - Special Ed. Resource
J.H. Gunn Elementary - Charlotte,
North Carolina
Thank you very much for providing such an excellent resource for our
homeschool! We took our ADHD child out of school a little over a
year ago because he was learning at a grade 2/3 level yet he was being
placed into grade 6. After only one year he's reading at a grade 5 level!
Your site has been instrumental in helping us achieve our goals.
Thank you so much for providing this one-income family with an
inexpensive, high quality
Language Arts curriculum. -
Crystal McNerney - Home School Mom - Ontario, Canada
Email: [email protected]
Your program is really great. I find it more effective than the reading
series we have right now. Since I work with Literacy Groups, it's more
interesting colorful and effective. -
Rosita Davis - Reading Resource
Chicago Public Schools - District 5
I bought the 2nd grade program and love it and now have purchased the
Total Reading Package CD. Your product REALLY is excellent. -
Linda Barnett - Teacher Grade 2
Chinese American International School - San Francisco, CA
My son is reading GREAT and is totally ready for 2nd grade after only 5
months using the program!
Dina Fox - Home School Mom - Tampa, FL
The materials featured in your website are truly remarkable. Perhaps the
best selling point that you have as compared to other teaching materials
is that your materials can be used and reprinted and the progress of the
child can be automatically tracked.
Carmen Duque - Phillipines
Your website is the best reading resource I found on the internet.
Steve Heston - Retired Assistant Professor - Washington University
I do love your program. I have been teaching for 27 years and have never
seen anything like it for less than $30. -
Wilma - Joseph P. Kennedy Institute
You have an invaluable resource. -
Donna - Rhode Island
I started using your material (about) a year ago with great success in the
higher standards (Grade 6 working at grade 4/5 level). Pupils with both
acute reading and spelling problems not only benefited, but showed an
enthusiastic growth in their verbal use and recognition of the English
Mark Lynch - Principal
Glenark Remedial School - Mulbarton -
Johannesburg, Africa
This is the best site I've found to teach my 5 year old to read better. -
Kimberlee Woodliffe
I love this program. There's a wealth of information provided and it
definitely works. You've made teaching reading to my first graders a
pleasure! -
Laura Coffee - Lewis Elementary - Ft. Meade, FL
There is SO MUCH on your TampaReads CD (Total Reading Package) that is
valuable for my 7, 10 and 13 year old children. I finally feel like I am
getting somewhere after years of frustration finding appropriate workbooks
for my kids. -
Pam Brager - Longley, Washington
This is one of the best resources I have found and I have referred several
friends to this site as well.
Deanna Weaver
I am homeschooling my younger children and feel that your scheme makes the
most sense of all those I have read about.
Gudrun Malmqvist - Kenya, Africa
I am very impressed with the amount and the quality of the product you
have here! Thanks for making this available.
Margi Goode - Branford, CT
My child (autistic, age 8) had been labeled "non-verbal" by the public
school special education and has just finished reading the last (TampaReads)
book - Lost on Fox Hill. MY CHILD CAN READ!
Thank you.
M. M. - Home School Mom - Tinley Park, Illinois
We just started the TampaRead's program and are really enjoying it.
My son usually asks to do more later in the day even if we are done with
our Lessons! -
Brenda Boone - Kihei, Hawaii
Our staff is so excited with the TampaReads - ReadingKey site. We are
purchasing the program this year and I definitely see a desire to purchase
it again next year. -
Cindy Zamora - Media Specialist
Morrison Elementary School - Norwalk, California
Your information is AWESOME.
Janice - Teacher in Tampa
I have just stumbled across your site and am completely
blown away by the depth and quality of what I see here. -
Pat Catalano - Georgetown, Massachusetts
Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have made two little boys, the rest
of the class, and one teacher very happy.
Harold Smith - Teacher in California
I recently joined the TampaRead's program. I'm very impressed !!
My students love the pictures that go with the pre-primer worksheets. In
my class I have a large number of level one students. Using the TampaReads
support materials has helped them pick up skills much faster.
Carolyn Monson - Teacher - Paul, Idaho
We began using your third-grade vocabulary list four weeks ago. Thank you
for giving us a simple, fun way to increase our daughter's reading
vocabulary... I highly recommend the TampaReads program! -
Cindy in Albuquerque
Your materials are outstanding. -
Pamela McFadden - Jacksonville, FL
Thanks so much, I love your program. My principal was very impressed...
Laura Coffee - Ft. Meade, FL
I think your curriculum is great. You are a jewel for sharing it. -
Jan Crenshaw - San Antonio, TX
Since we have been using this (TampaReads) method of vocabulary
development my weekly vocabulary grades have improved greatly. In the past
four weeks all students have earned at least a "C", with the majority
scoring 87% and above.
Pamella McFadden - 4th Grade
R.L. Brown Elementary - Jacksonville, FL
Richard Pressinger (M.Ed)
Reading Specialist -
If you have questions or comments,
email HERE